Wednesday, February 27, 2008

STOP !!!!!!!!!!

This is for the jerks out there that seem to think Stop signs are just there for display! Stop does not mean slow down from 70 or 80 and whip around the corner. It also doesn't mean inch your way 10 feet past the Stop sign and sit in the middle of traffic!
Stop simply means stop! And wait until its safe for you to proceed ... there is no time limit on when you should stop. just stop and wait until its your turn. So for that @sshole that cut me off today and didn't bother to slow down this is what is means!
If your not sure of this symbol or if you cannot understand the word STOP maybe you should get tested again because next time you do that may be your last. One day someone who is not as nice as me might not have the ability to swerve out of the way and smash into your sorry ass.
Maybe you have no regard for your own life, but be considerate of other people! Your life might not be worth the pot you piss in but other people have families and people who care about them.

It also doesn't help that i live in Richmond, not to be racist or anything but i think its time to do a mass police ticket/fines for all the crappy drivers out there! Maybe make the fines like $500- $1000! A few of those should make you think twice about being an ass on the roadways!

I witnessed an accident a few months ago in a parking lot. A lady hit this other car while parking .. she then continued to park, waited a few a while until no one was looking the left the scene. Luckily i was there to write down the license plate number and description or the person and make of the car. I left my number and told the person to call me, which they did. A few days later the police called me and i gave my statement and told him to throw the book at her 10 points for a hit and run then leaving the scene of the accident. I wish she would have gotten more!
So the next time you see something like this happen take the time to STOP (there's that magic word again) and do something about it. Because the next car or person that gets hit could be you or someone you know!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

perhaps all bad drivers should be sent to rehabs... or at the very least, to that Canada's Worst Drivers tv show. it's amazing how these people got their license in the first place.

people who don't shoulder-check, use their signal lights, or check their mirrors backing out of parking spots drive me crazy.

hope that woman who caused the hit-n-run has learned her lesson