Sunday, February 24, 2008

A Day At The Dyke

Today we took our Kodi for a walk on the Dyke.
I got a chance to take my new camera out to take some pictures and got a chance to take Kodi for a long walk.
I got a chance to practice using my camera while getting some pretty cool shots off. There are so many things to learn on the camera that i can barely keep up. I'm always thinking of cool shots, but forget to look at exposures and stuff ... when i got home half my pictures were crap! Oh well ... at least i got a few good ones off ..

After about an hour or so walk with Kodi, she jumped right away into the car and fell asleep in about 10 seconds ... It was a pretty big day for her. She also went through her first car wash .. i don't think she liked that very much ..

Here are some shots that i was able to salvage ...


1 comment:

NurSieMaBeS said...

Cool pics Raf! Kodi's so grown-up looking from the last time I saw her! =O
kekekeh...she's growing way too fast!!!