Thursday, April 17, 2008


Today Kodi had her first operation, hopefully her last one!
It was a minor operation, she had 5 baby teeth removed ... and spayed.
Kodi loves the vet because every time we go i steal treats for her from the treat jar, this time was no different. She ran in and they took her right away... when i picked her up a few hours later she was more than happy to go home.
She was all drowsy and very sad, she was crying in the car which made me really sad.
Since she hasn't eaten in a day she was starving when we arrived home, but the crappy part was that we were not allowed to feed her a full meal because of the medication she was on.
all in all it was not that great of a day because my little girl was sick and i could do nothing about it ..
Sometimes i wish she was able to talk, but i guess it would have cost us a lot more for a dog that could talk ...

Sunday, April 13, 2008


There's a small grocery store in Richmond BC, it sits on the corner for Francis and Garden City and they have this most amazing drink! It's a combination of a Slurpee/Slushie mixed with soft ice cream! It's a very yummy combination. i have heard from lots of people but decided to try it and i have to admit its as good as everyone says it is. I think it might be the perfect summer combination. If you haven't tried it i would totally recommend it.

The crappiest part of this drink is choo choosing your flavors because they all look good, and if im not mistaken they have at least 8-10 flavors.

Oh by the way they offer an "extra ice-cream" option but opt out of it because there's enough ice cream in it .. plus its not worth the extra 70 or something cents.

Friday, April 11, 2008


As some of you might know, i picked up a new hobby a while ago, Photography.
The wife let me blow the budget and get a new camera. I'm pretty happy with it. Thanks to by buddy Ed, i got a pretty good deal on a a Nikon D200.
It's actually a pretty fun hobby, i still don't know much about photography and probably about 5% of the camera i'm still having fun with it.

A friend of mine said "your the only person in the whole world that captured the exact picture at that exact time no one can ever exactly replicate it" I think that's pretty cool! I never thought about taking pictures that way ... I think it changed my whole appreciation for photo taking.

There's so many cool things you can do with a camera, but beware, it's a really really really really expensive hobby ...

Here are some new uploaded pictures i have taken recently ...

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Subject to Inspection

Here's a note to all of you that intend on buying a house.

This subject is the biggest joke on the planet, if anyone wants to buy a home you should have a more specific clause in your contract. Anyone that puts this as their only subject while looking at your home is not very serious. They can back out at any time.... Which is fine but don't waste peoples time. If your not serious just say that so the seller can be on their way.
If your selling your home and the buyer wants a Subject to inspection, its like not having any clause at all ...

So in this case seller beware ...

Sunday, April 6, 2008


It's been a while since i have blogged, with being sick and doing stuff with Kodi ,the bitterness of the Canucks not making it in the playoffs, the Spirit getting knocked out in the first round and life just getting in the way there seems to be less and less time to do stuff i want to do.

Oh before i forget, the wife and i got a new house! We sold our's and bought one slightly bigger. I'm pretty happy with it. The lot is a bit bigger, the house is a bit bigger, and so is the price ... actually it's not much more than what were paying right now, so i guess the timing is right ...

I know everyone says that Vancouver can't keep up its housing prices up but it has ... i know the bubble will burst somewhere but if your in the market already i don't think it makes that much of a difference.

i'm too sick to think of what to write so keep posted for pictures of our new house! Maybe you will get invited soon!